Monday, March 16, 2009

The Good Inside The Bad

Times like these are certainly challenging but if you look really close, you will see the good that is coming out of today's economy. It's a good dose of reality for all of us to see that there is more to life than money.

We're spending more time with family & friends. We are also getting creative in how we spend that time. Going out to dinner was the common way to socialize - but that costs money and money is tight. Now, people are getting together for pot lucks in which everyone brings a dish and the meal is shared. Having Game Night to entertain friends is also making a comeback.

People are tending to their own home, attempting to clean and fix things themselves rather than hire outside help that stresses the pocketbook. People are facing the challenges in taking care of their homes while gaining the satisfaction of doing it themselves.

Sure, money may add to the happiness factor in bringing you stability - but it won't buy you true happiness. True fulfillment comes from within by way of spending quality time with friends and family and making time for you. Allowing time to relax, exercise and develop your mind are all necessary for your mental well-being and fulfillment.

So, the next time you see the market end on a low note, remind yourself that this is temporary. Take advantage of this time to re-focus what is most important to you. Now is the time to change old habits and re-invent your life and how you live!

Renee Kennedy-Edwards, MS
Executive & Personal Coach
Coaching 4 Success, Inc.

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