Monday, January 12, 2009

Pay it Forward

I don't know about you but I'm getting really tired of hearing all the doom and gloom about the economy. I see how it affects everyone around me in their negative attitudes and pessimism about the future. How can it not? It's plastered all over the media and it seem to be the topic of choice when socializing and networking.

Heck, I even see the effects in how people treat one another. Road rage & overall crime rates are on the rise due to the increased frustrations of people. I say, "Enough Already!"

Let's change these effects of our economy by changing our attitudes with one another. Allow that car to get in front of you instead of blocking him out. Let the person who has less items at the check-out line go ahead of you simply because it's a nice thing to do. We have enough negativity going on right now, we don't need to add to it. Instead, if we start spreading nice gestures and helping our fellow neighbors out, we begin changing our world.

Studies have shown that when someone is nice to you - you tend to return the favor with someone else. This is a chain reaction to positive gestures. Imagine what our world would be like if we all just focused on being nice to one another? Studies also show that when someone is nice to you, you tend to have a better outlook on life and those around you.

This is definitely needed right now and we are the ones who can make that difference. I realize we aren't changing the economy necessarily but we are changing attitudes which can go a long way in these tough economic times.

Positive thoughts,

Renee Kennedy-Edwards, MS
President / Executive & Personal Coach