Saturday, January 26, 2008


Thank you for your interest in my newest creation. This blog is intended to motivate, educate and inspire you to live your life more successfully. Please continue to check in weekly to view advice and information on ways to make your life better, more fulfilling and more purposeful.

I am always looking for topics to cover so please let me know what is on your mind and what you would like to see covered in this column.

What is your definition of success? How do you know when you are living successfully?

As you know, success isn't just about making money or having the big house. While money is important to living a less stressed life, it doesn't make you feel more fulfilled all by itself. I think our society is too focused on money and material things. We think if we can drive that certain car, we will feel more confident and more successful. However, when we finally get that car, we are often disappointed because we realize it takes more than the car to make ourselves feel genuinely happy.

I'm interested in hearing from you about this subject. How do you define a successful life?

Check in next week to see more on this subject and others. Thank you for visiting.

Positive thoughts to you,

Personal & Business Coach / Owner

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