Monday, February 4, 2008

Do you have time for Success?

"Success is simple. Do what's right, the right way, at the right time." --Arnold H. Glasow

Arnold's definition of success is simplistic but difficult to achieve when you really think about the variables involved. We may know what's right, we may even know the right way to do it, but how can we be assured it's at the right time?

The general idea here is that it's our behavior that determines our success. If we do the right thing (exercise 4-5 times per week), the right way (a minimum of 30 minutes with the right plan), the right time is NOW.

I think many of us get hung up on the "right" time to start our goals. How many of you have heard or said something like, "When the kids are grown up, we will travel as a couple" or "When our son is in school full-time, I'll get serious about exercise" or "When the business is running smoothly, I'll join that golf league"? The problem with this kind of thinking is that it holds us back from improving the present time.

If you wait until the kids grow up to vacation as a couple, you may not still be married. Making the time to enjoy one another as a couple NOW will strenghthen your current relationship and assist it in growing stronger so that you will still be together when the kids are grown. The same holds true for business owners who are waiting for their business to run better before they allow themselves some time off for fun. In my opinion, there is no right time like the present to begin incorporating our goals into action. It may not make sense to be away from the business 2 days a week to play golf, maybe it's 2 days a month that works best to start. The point is to start it now and not wait.

Think about it, when we make the time to take care of ourselves by having some fun, taking time to exercise, having social time with friends, we are less stressed and we are more productive.

What goals are you putting on hold in order to accomplish them at the "right" time? Are you able to start them now, even if you are only able to take baby steps to get there?

NOW is the time to change your behavior for more successful results!

Continued Success,


qtpatudy said...

my office is a mess and I feel like I'm too busy to make money.... any suggestions?

Renee Kennedy-Edwards, MS said...

Thanks for your comment. First, let me say that you aren't alone in feeling this way. We all strive for Life Balance, especially when we start seeing these types of symptoms. It's easy to get busy and lose sight of our priorities.

Before you can work on getting more successful, it's beneficial to focus on getting yourself organized. Clean up your desk and add some structure to your day by developing a schedule to follow and a list of goals to complete. Once you gain control of your surroundings, you will be in the right frame of mind to make money and focus on business. Enlisting the assistance of a coach will help you get on track fast and will keep you accountable to your goals so that your time and energy can be focused on making money.