Sunday, March 2, 2008

Perfect Moments

Is there anything really perfect in this world? Probably not. If we really analyzed the perfect scenario, I'm sure we could find faults to it. It's not that I'm pessimistic; it's just a matter of looking at things realistically.

Yet, I do think there are times that resemble "perfect moments" in life. All of us have them but I'm not sure all of us know we have them. Often times, we are running too fast to notice such things.

To me, a "perfect moment" is a short period of time (it could be a few minutes to an entire day) in which we experience everything coming together to create a perfect moment in time that feels so good, so flawless, that you don't want it to end. These special periods in time are usually minor in scale and nothing outwardly fantastic. I think that is why they are so special, because they aren't planned and they aren't expected. They just occur naturally.

I recall one "perfect moment" in particular when I was on a trip with my husband and daughter. Nothing on that trip was significant or really stands out except for the 30 minutes we sat inside an ice cream parlor. We had a long day of walking around and checking out the town we were visiting. We stumbled upon this really cool 2 story ice cream parlor in Miami and sat down to have ice cream sundaes. Perhaps it was because we were tired that we were all feeling silly and laughing at things that were normally not that funny. Either way, the three of us took turns acting goofy to see who we could get to laugh hardest to the point that we were being slightly obnoxious. Anyway, watching my goofy family making me laugh while eating my ice cream made me stop and realize I was definitely experiencing a “perfect moment”.

Did I mention that in order to experience these wonderful moments in time, you must realize you are in one? When you are feeling happy and grateful for those people and things around you, you are headed for that space in time that you want to keep forever. Knowing we can’t bottle it up and experience it again makes it that much more worthwhile.

Watch for those “perfect moments” in your life so they don’t escape you because they will never repeat themselves.

Renee Kennedy-Edwards, MS
Personal/Executive Coach
Coaching 4 Success, Inc.


Florida Fitness Coaches said...

Awesome picture!

Renee Kennedy-Edwards, MS said...

Thank you for your comment. I'm glad you like the picture! -Renee

Anonymous said...

This so reminded me of a "perfect moment" that I had experienced!! I was at Disney World with my daughter and Typhoon Lagoon and we were sitting in the sand eating "sand pail sundaes" a few days before Christmas and the ice cream and chocolate and cherries and whipped cream were running all over us. And I need to add that we live in Michigan and I am an "ice cream-a-holic. A perfect moment!
And there are so many of these perfect moments in our lives. We just have to take the time to be aware of them!

Renee Kennedy-Edwards, MS said...

Exactly! Thank you so much for sharing your "perfect moment" with us. -Renee