Monday, July 14, 2008

Finding the Rainbow

I was out drinking coffee the other day and witnessed the most beautiful rainbow I had ever seen. I found it interesting to see this vibrant colorful burst of energy coming out from a dark dismal scary looking sky. It made me think how in life, it is the same thing. When things look dreary and downright depressing, there is usually something positive or beautiful that comes out of it.

It may not seem like it at the time, but if you wait long enough, you will see the positive effects. Take a moment and look at your past. Recall the negative times, the hardest times you have encountered. It may have been a death of a loved one, or a major loss of a job, etc. You will see, when you look deep enough, that something positive came from that difficult time. Perhaps it was you realizing how precious life really is and therefore, you are more focused on expressing your love to those closest to you. Maybe, it made you stronger knowing that you can survive tough times and giving you more confidence in yourself.

If you can't find the positive outcome of a difficult situation, it may mean that you haven't fully moved through it yet. Sometimes it takes years to be able to look back and see it from a more objective view. In either case, the point is that tough times don't last forever. Even though it may look depressing or intimidating, there is a rainbow in the midst, waiting to appear at anytime. It's important to keep your chin up and stay strong. Tough times do pass, as long as you continue to think positively, work hard and stay persistent.

Keep it positive!

Renee Kennedy-Edwards, MS
President / Executive Coach
Coaching 4 Success, Inc.

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